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Attend a PSYCH-K®Workshop

Attending a PSYCH-K® workshop was the single best thing that I ever did for my own personal growth.  I am honored to be a certified PSYCH-K® Basic and Master Facilitation Instructor teaching what allowed me to changed my life.  


IN-Person Basic : 

  • Experience the power of “group synergy” and the inspiration of working with others while learning how to be the best YOU, you can be!

  • You will learn how to do PSYCH-K® with yourself and others.

  • You will learn two processes that allow you to change your limiting beliefs and to change the perception of stressful and traumatic events that can dramatically limit your sense of joy and peace in life.

  • You will have access to all the PSYCH-K® In-person workshops: Advanced Workshop, Master Facilitation Workshop, Health and Wellbeing Workshop, and the Divine Integration Retreat.

  • You will learn how, besides serving yourself, you can serve humanity in a powerful, simple, and effective way.




Master Facilitation Workshop :


This course is designed to help you develop high-level facilitation skills in working with yourself and others. The workshop is for professional and non-professional PSYCH-K® Facilitators who wish to “fine tune” their facilitation skills beyond what was possible to teach or learn in the PSYCH-K® Basic Workshop, or other PSYCH-K® Workshops. The net effect is to help you increase your current level of effectiveness, ease, and confidence as a PSYCH-K® Facilitator.



Advanced Integration Workshop :


​​Take your personal growth to new heights with the Advanced Integration Workshop. If you’ve completed the Basic Workshop and are ready to deepen your awareness and elevate your transformation, this workshop is designed for you. You’ll discover advanced Balances and processes that will expand your capacity to create lasting change and become a more powerful sphere of influence. Prerequisite: Completion of the Basic Workshop.



If you are interested in attending or hosting a workshop, please fill out the form below and we will contact you with more details. Upcoming events are posted to this page regularly.


Upcoming Workshops

*CNE credits - This continuing  nursing education activity was approved by the American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA). an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.  

Approved to award 20 contact hours through August 17th 2022. AHNA # 1517 $15.00 processing fee


***CEU's for Nutritional Therapy Practitioners-  Nutritional Therapy Association (NTA) approved PSYCH-K Basic workshop for 10 CEU's.

Align with your innate wisdom and create the best version of yourself.



Wanted to write this after a month I attended the PYSCH-K workshop held by Jo Ann at Milford, NJ.


If anyone wants to transform his experience in this life time on earth and have an enduring joy in life; you need to first change your belief systems. You need to learn to balance and ask Source (all that there is) to  achieve your goals or remove your stresses and the Source will answer you.  


Trust in the process.


Here is my experience in abundance, wellbeing, relationships, wealth and health after a month attending Jo Ann’s workshop.


I am getting my Green Card that I have been struggling to get for over 5 years, 

I am now separated and I look forward to stay best friends with my ex partner and looking forward to my future soul mate. I know that we are already directed to each other and am waiting it to manifest, 

My business is prospering and it will continue to do so,

I am losing weight regardless of having minor changes in my lifestyle,

I am looking forward to  a great relationship with my teenage daughter and son, 

Most importantly I have clarity and am happy, and I now know that I will never get it done and never go wrong. 


Do You want to Transform You? Attend one of PSYCH-K Workshops to learn to do exactly the same. Or better, attend one of the workshops of Jo Ann Sweeney.


Ask my 22 beautiful friends who participated the same workshop with me and having similar or better experiences.


Thank you Jo Ann.




Thank you Jo Ann for sharing an experience of a lifetime. Came to get some tit bits for my Book but took away a treasure chest, knowledge of a lifetime and became a part of the family at the end. This message is for anyone seeing Jo Ann’s review comments .... If you are here that means, you somewhat decided on taking PSYCH-K Basic Workshop and checking out what the students have  to saying about Jo Ann "It is the Supreme Art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge" - Albert Einstein and Jo Ann is a perfect example of that. She is an amazing spiritual being who is caring humble and a gifted trainer who showed us how to own our journey and knows how to bring out the best in others. If a very strong logical left brain engineer like me can move over to the other side, anybody can. Thank you Jo Ann for your authenticity and dedication. You made everyone feel so welcome. I am so grateful to be one of your eager, ever hungry humble student. Life has changed to a different level after the workshop and it will never be the same. I am already 2.0 and will keep upgrading throughout my life.

Thank you to Rob Williams for serving the mankind and gifting us this amazing tool. You have to just take action and keep experiencing the changes in your life. Let me stop here because I have to balance ....

Sid Ghosh - Engineer turned Fisherman after the Workshop
Fortune 100 Company Executive


This weekend was truly a life changing experience for me...I learned so much this weekend. The only other time I've experienced such intense joy and love was during my spiritual transformation in 2005.  But the difference this weekend from 2005 was that this time I wasn't alone in experiencing this intense feeling of love. Being able to experience it with people I am already so close to...made it so much more impactful for me.


Because of how closely integrated we lived over these past three days ...literally eating together, learning together, living under the same roof ...even commuting together in one was a 72 hour period where you were completely immersed with 

Five other people.


And what I experienced was that over the first two days ...I experienced amazing teachings...over the first two days my mind learned so much ...but it didn't hit me at the soul level was still the mind dominating the processing of all the information ....but gradually through constant observation...through being able to observe one another so closely...every mannerism...the unique way each person communicates ... and observing silently like an observer ...your own perceptions and judgements of each and every person...these little silent judgements and observations of each person..silently noting that each and every judgement and observation only reinforces the illusion of separation from one another suddenly find yourself on the third day of the workshop ...finding yourself seeing EACH and EVERY PERSON in that workshop differently...finding that instead of all the details in each person that caused you to see differences ...suddenly all you could see in each person was the innate Divinity in each could see nothing but Love for these people...that they were essentially the same person you've seen the first two days ...but you realize something had changed.


When you realize in your mind that you understood "Love" all these years but perhaps never truly felt "LOVE" ...never truly felt the presence of God's LOVE at your soul level...  All these layers inside of you that you were peeling off ...watching others during the course of the practices opening themselves up ...being vulnerable ...tears ...break are watching people changing in front of your very eyes ...didn't matter if they were people you knew for years ...or if they were people who were strangers to you days was unmistakable ...these people were literally changing right before your very eyes.


They looked different.

They sounded different.

And inside YOU felt different.


And at some point I couldn't tell if they had all changed ...or if it was me who really changed and that was what was causing me to see everyone differently ...but suddenly you realized that your soul was now seeing each and every person for who they really are ...and realized that your mind was no longer in control...your soul was experiencing the moment and all of this incredible love pouring out of you ...and finally your soul feeling this intense love ...fully feeling LOVE. Seeing that love in each and every person in that room


Not your mind...not your the soul level feeling a new found LOVE


Joe Pung


Before I discovered you and PSYCH-K® I had been searching for years for a hands on technique that would change my thinking process, my relationship with life, make me understand that the subconscious is not "Dante's Inferno", but a friend.


I discovered all of this and more at your home on that sunny September day at your basic 3 day PSYCH-K® training. There are teachers, and there are "teachers", but only a few stand alone, and you are one of the few.  You were born to teach PSYCH-K® to the world.  Your inner and outer beauty shine.  Your total love and belief for PSYCH-K® are extraordinary and contagious. In life's journey, we are fortunate if we meet someone who embodies love, sensitivity, and knowledge, and has the rare gift of helping others on their path.


Thank you Jo Ann for the gift of PSYCH-K, and bringing clarity and direction to my life. I am so fortunate and forever grateful - you are my angel!




I took the PSYCH-K®Basic workshop with Jo Ann Sweeney.  Jo Ann is a very good PSYCH-K® Instructor and  her experience adds to it.  She is kind, intuitive, and her energy is very calming.  She created a supportive learning environment where I could experience changes in my beliefs.  Jo Ann was able to answer/clarify all of my doubts.  The workshop was a very beautiful experience. I highly recommend this workshop.




There wasn't any moment in the workshop that I didn't feel completely engaged by the content and  Jo Ann's delivery of it!  It was  an incredible 3 days that exceeded all of my expectations.  Jo Ann shared great stories to drive home the points!




Jo Ann has an ease of speaking and communicating clearly & effectively to relay the information. Jo Ann is personable and approachable. She uses her insight & intuition to facilitate any obstruction students may perceive.


Shannon (workshop participant)


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